Google the term “mobile-friendly website”,& you will get about 446,000,000 results on Google Google will even provide you the option to run a quick test to recognize if your website is mobile-friendly or not. So with all the hype enclosing the term, you might be wondering…well, what does that mean? And we do need a mobile-friendly site?
What is a Mobile Optimized Website?
You need to know the differences between a mobile-friendly site & a mobile-optimized site. A mobile-friendly website correctly displays on smaller screens. It usually appears like a shorter version, although it may not always work absolutely on touchscreen tablets. It should, however, still be functional. Mobile-friendly websites also have emphasized so as text-based phone numbers or email addresses that can trigger direct calls or email messages through mobile devices or slideshows & image rotators that function in Flash support.
While a mobile-friendly site helps secure your site functions on mobile devices, mobile optimization works a step further. A mobile-optimized site reformats itself for mobile devices. It does not just make sure to properly display on smaller screens, but also makes the site much more comfortable to navigate. It reformats content, displays larger navigation buttons, & optimizes images according to screen size.
The Advantages of a Mobile Optimized Website
Improves website speed
When you optimize your website to reach mobile standards, then your website should load fast. Websites that aren’t properly optimized for mobile often need a while to load, particularly when they use Flash elements. Mobile users just aren’t going to spend time on your site if they can’t get your pages to load. By increasing the speed of your site, you’re more inclined to keep visitors on your site for longer periods.
Establishes Credibility And Trust
Whether you are seeking to capture new demographics or retain existing consumer segments, a key part of that method is to establish credibility & trust. Consumers must know that they can reach your brand at any time, and they must also be confirmed that this business is reliable, credible & trust-worthy. Especially in a landscape where consumers are inundated with messages, promotions & advertisements – how do you stand out?
Improve user experience
User experience is required. If you don’t provide a good user experience, visitors will leave plus they won’t return. The mobile experience is much distinct from computer experience. Visitors need to be able to read your web pages with security, click links without zooming in & navigate your site on a smaller screen. Without mobile optimization, users usually struggle to read or navigate websites on mobile devices.
A Cost-Effective Way To Boost SEO
The most important reason for having a mobile-friendly website lies in its potential to improve overall sales & conversions. Allowing users to have a seamless mobile experience is especially relevant in a hyper-competitive digital landscape. Since there is no requirement to maintain different versions of the website for different devices, it can make the other difference in boosting overall revenue.
Think about the user experience & compare it to the desktop user experience – what are the variations in the customer journey that might make them abandon a mobile sale? And are they easily able to get your site to begin with? Google’s algorithm prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, and to keep your SEO ranking high, a mobile-friendly website is important.
Ultimately, a mobile-friendly website is a great investment that can show real returns if deployed correctly. Whether you look at a long-term perspective or short-term, sites are the future of web design & brands that invest in these innovations early on are the ones that see the most benefit in the long-run.
Increase user engagement
A mobile-optimized website improves the likelihood of engaging your visitors. This is because visitors will give more time on your site navigating within the content. They will also be able to associate with your site, whether it be by liking content, clicking on CTAs, or even adding to your comment sections.